March 06, 2025

NTNOA Meeting - February 23, 2025 at Jody McClure’s Home

Wow! We were so lucky with the weather on Sunday! Our February meeting was at Jody McClure’s place in Forney, TX. After a long period of extremely cold weather over the last few weeks in North Texas, it finally warmed up on Sunday. A perfect day for riding and getting together for the meeting.

It was great to see Jody’s driveway full of motorcycles. There were at least 30, with around 50 people attending.

Richard Bowman started the club updates and announcements at 2pm and began by thanking Jody, and his son Brian who joined us. Jody kindly provided Jimmy John’s sandwiches for everyone. We were able to look around his workshop, and check out his excellent Triumph chopper which he finished building in time for last year’s LOP. If you missed the meeting, you can see Jody’s Triumph on display at The Handbuilt Show in Austin TX, March 28/29/30.

Only one ride was reported (most likely due to the recent weather). Ed Sass and Ron Cooke took a two-day trip to the Bonnie and Clyde ambush site (60 miles east of Shreveport). They also visited the museum in town.

Richard announced a new policy for allocating cabins at the LOP rallies at Yellow Rose Canyon. It will be communicated in more detail to all members soon, but in summary, cabin priority will be given to people who play a significant role in planning and running the rallye. Remaining cabins will then be allocated by lottery. Richard pointed out that renting an RV is a good alternative to a cabin. They can be rented (including delivery and pick-up) using RV Share and other services. VP Jay Tynes has information about different RV providers in the area.

Russ Foster mentioned he has several boy scout tents available. We didn’t see any takers.

We reviewed the Hill Country ride plans for April. The wonderful Penny Martin has volunteered to keep track of cabin bookings at the Leakey Inn this year. Details will be circulated soon about how to reach Penny. The Hill Country weekend is April 10-13, earlier than usual this year, to avoid conflicting with Easter weekend.

Jay and Richard will pick up the 2009 Moto Guzzi Norge this week from Hank Boltuc. Hank has very graciously offered this excellent motorcycle to be our 2025 raffle bike, in memory of his late wife, Arlene. Jane will be getting on-line raffle ticket sales set up, and the bike will be brought to events for ticket sales.

Recent bike projects include Paul Dalton’s lovely, sulfur yellow 1976 Honda Goldwing which he has restored to its former glory. He rode it to the meeting and will be taking it to the Hill Country. It will then be for sale.

Regarding bikes for sale, Jay Tynes told us that Shirley Pope is selling a very nice low-mileage 1979 BMW R100 RT. Recently serviced at Preservation Cycle. It is posted on classifieds. Jay also has a 1971 BSA 650 for sale, $1,700. Check with Jay Tynes for details.

Paul Fielder-White was the lucky 50-50 raffle winner with a prize of $157.00.

The next meeting will be on March 30 at John and Jeannie Skaras’ home in Prosper. They’ll be providing Greek food!

Photos courtesy of Russ Foster.  Click on photo to enlarge.

Recurring Events

Every Tuesday night] - Two Wheel Social

[Every Wednesday night] - Dallas Bike Night

[Every 1st Thursday] - Kerrville, TX - Old Bike Night

[Every Friday night] - Ft. Worth Bike Night

[Every 3rd Saturday of the Month] - Breakfast at 8:30 am - Tio Tony's Restaurant

[Every Sunday Morning] – Boulevard Café in North Richland Hills

[Every Sunday Afternoon/Evening] -  The Dubliner Irish Pub on Greenville Avenue

2025 Upcoming Events (subject to change)

[March Club Meeting] - John Skaras' Residence - Mar. 30

[Texas Fandango] - Gillespie County Fair Grounds - Apr. 3 - 6

[Hill Country Ride] - Leakey, TX - April 10 - 13

[Pate Swap Meet] - Texas Motor Speedway - Apr. 24 - 26

[April Club Meeting] - Monkey Moto, Argyle - Apr. 27

[All British Car Day] - White Rock Lake - May 11

[May Club Meeting & Bike Show] - The Back Nine - May 25

[June Club Meeting] - Mikey Mulcahey's Shop - June 29

[July Club Meeting] - Southwest Superbikes - July 27

[August Club Meeting] - Moto Liberty - Aug. 31

[September Club Meeting] - Phil Dansby's Residence - Sept. 28

[Land O' the Pines Rallye] - Yellow Rose Canyon - Oct. 9-12

[October Club Meeting] - Jeff Myers' Shoptoberfest - Oct. 26

[November Club Meeting] - Dave Morales Residence - Nov. 30

[December Club Meeting & Xmas Party] - Spirit Grille - Date TBD

Membership Dues
Membership dues are $40.

Become a New Member NOW and enjoy an extended membership!
New Members who join and pay full dues NOW will not have to renew until August 2025!

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Members in good standing have the opportunity to introduce one new member gratis between now and August 1.  The new member will need to pay dues in August 2025 to continue in good standing.  Sponsor a new member by clicking here.

The easiest and fastest way to join or renew is online by 
clicking here.  You only need a Credit Card or a PayPal account.  A PayPal account is not required.  You may also join by mailing in the application form, which can be found by clicking here.

Revised: March 06, 2025.
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